Antoine F. Goetschel
J.D., Dr. h.c. Lawyer
Witikonerstrasse 30
8032 Zurich - Switzerland
+41 (0)79 752 44 92
E-mail: afg@afgoetschel.com
Contact form
Please do not send us any confidential information by e-mail.
We assume that persons who correspond with us using e-mail accept that we will reply by e-mail.
At present the secretariat is unstaffed. Please contact me per E-Mail.
Please note that legal advice for individual animal welfare cases can no longer be issued. Among other possibilities, you may submit such requests to the ‘Stiftung für das Tier im Recht’, info@tierimrecht.org, +41 434430643.
With our Global Animal Law GAL Project (www.globalanimallaw.org), we are fully committed to promoting the legal and ethical rights of animals. Thank you for your understanding.
IBAN: CH27 0839 0038 3970 1000 1
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zu Gunsten von
Dr.iur. Antoine F. Goetschel
Witikonerstrasse 30
8032 Zürich, Schweiz
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